How To Take Care Of Severe Gum Disease

How To Take Care Of Severe Gum Disease

Even without any pain in your teeth or other symptoms, you might be suffering from gum disease. The early stages might be easy to overlook but the problem is that when it worsens and advances, it can lead to tooth loss.

Preventing gum disease is the best thing to do but there are many cases when the lack of proper oral care leads to gum disease. In these situations, the best thing is to get treatment to stop and even reverse it.

Signs Of Gum Disease

There are many risk factors for gum disease other than just poor oral hygiene. If you are a smoker or you chew tobacco, then you are more likely to develop it. Some people are also genetically predisposed, or if they are suffering from diabetes, they should take more care. Lastly, being pregnant and taking medications can increase the risk.

If you have gums that are red, swollen and bleeds easily, then this is one of the earliest signs. Over time, you will notice the gums receding or pulling away from teeth, as well as a permanent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth. In the most advanced stages, the teeth become loose or start to separate and your bite changes. If you have dentures, they will also start to fit differently.

Treatment For Gum Disease

The key to successful gum disease treatment is to diagnose it as early as possible. In its first stage, gingivitis, the gums look swollen and red, plus they tend to bleed easily. But taking the right steps can still reverse the disease and even eliminate it. There are many ways to have it treated, from professional ways like a thorough cleaning of the teeth and gums to following more natural methods like using essential oils for gum disease. These can soothe the gums and with the right oral care routine, you can say goodbye to gum disease.

On the other hand, advanced gum disease, periodontitis, requires professional help. In these stages, the tooth may start to become loose as you lose the bones and tissues supporting them. While gum disease progresses slowly in most cases, some people have more aggressive forms of the disease. In such cases, professional treatment is of utmost importance.

Beyond the risk of losing teeth, periodontal disease is also linked with other serious health issues like high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes. This can be due to the fact that bacteria can enter the bloodstream more easily when the gums are compromised.

What Happens When You Have Severe Gum Disease

Your dentist will use the following treatments to control and stop the progression of gum disease.

  1. Scaling and Root Planing

Even in the earlier stages of gum disease, the first step is to do a deep cleaning. This method removes all the plaque and the tartar that cannot be removed by normal toothbrushing. They build up on the gum tissue, and the dentist will use both hand scalers and ultrasonic instruments to properly clean the teeth and gums.

  1. Gum Grafting

As the disease progresses, gum tissue that protects the roots of the teeth gets lost. Replacing them can stop teeth from getting loose. The dentist will take some healthy gum tissue from another part of the mouth and move it to the affected area. If the patient does not have any, lab-processed tissue will be used.

  1. Periodontal Plastic Surgery

Much like any plastic surgery procedure, it is a reshaping procedure to make the gum tissues look more aesthetically appealing.

  1. Periodontal Laser Treatment

Dentists can use lasers to remove any gum tissue that is now affected by the disease. In comparison to surgery, it is less painful for the patient and will lead to less gum shrinkage.

  1. Crown Lengthening Surgery

This procedure involves surgery on the tooth structure. Normally covered by your gums and the bone tissues, they will have to be surgically exposed to make the teeth look longer or to help in adding a new crown.

  1. Dental Implants

The most advanced way to replace teeth is to use a titanium dental implant. It is attached to the jawbone, under the gum line through surgery. A visible dental crown (which looks like a real tooth) is then connected to the implant.

Gum disease is a common condition affecting millions of people. While many are just in the initial stage, others are at an advanced stage that requires professional treatment. By consulting your dentist and adopting good oral health habits, you can control the disease and have healthy teeth and gums.

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